Our Vision

Teens Ministry

To mold God-fearing individuals who are deeply grounded in the Word of God and who are well founded in all spheres of their lives in God (Proverbs 22:6).


The program offers an opportunity to plant a seed and water it, and let God make it grow in the lives of teenagers. The foundation of the program has been laid down by Jesus and He has appointed among us the expert builders. These builders (teachers, mentors) use their experiences, talents and gifting in their lives to build the lives of teenagers. Hence, create a life (building) that radiates the fullness and fear of God (1Corinthians 3:6-11).



    1. Mold the teens in the various areas of their lives with God taking the centre stage.
    2. Encourage the teens to develop interest/create an interest in living for God.
    3. Teach teens how to actualize the Word of God in the various situations of their lives.
    4. Build the self-esteem and confidence of the teens.
    5. Explore and Develop the abilities, talents and potential that are teens.

Elements of the Program

Bible Study/Interaction

The teens are grouped and given topics to discuss. The topics are based on the various issues that the teens experience and situations that they go through. Each topic is explored from a Biblical perspective and how the situation can be solved based on the Word of God. The small groups provide an ample environment for the teens to interact and share. This enhances their communication skills and spiritual growth.

Train your child in the ways of the Lord


This focuses on the various assignments that the teens will have been given to do over the holidays by their respective schools. The teens are grouped according to their various classes and have a teacher/supervisor. Since they attend different schools, this provides an opportunity for them to share knowledge and form forums and discussion groups. In addition, weak students have a chance to improve in their studies through the discussions and forums.

We also help them to improve in their academics


Retreat offers the teens an opportunity to explore the various tourist sites in the country, thereby, appreciating the marvelous works of God. The teens also have a chance to visit children homes and take part in giving back to the community where possible. A request is made to the church programming to give the teens one Sunday during the vacations to be incorporated into the services. This build their confidence and encourage them in serving the Lord.

Teens love retreats

Career Talk/Advice

The teens are at a stage where they are making choices regarding the career paths they would like to pursue. Many of them are inclined to the known career paths and may not know what it takes to make it in that career. Therefore, professionals from different careers are invited to give advice to the teens and set them on the right path that leads to that career. It also provide an opportunity to introduce the teens to other careers that they may not have known.

Developing Talents/Abilities

God has bestowed upon the teens wonderful and great talents, abilities and gifting, which bring glory to God.

The teens will are encouraged to discover and explore their talents and abilities and use them in various ministries in the church.